Channel Daily News

Hardening SharePoint/OneDrive, client questionnaires, and cybersecurity dominates MSP subreddit

It’s the latest recap of the MSP subreddit. The group is at 73,000 members!

OneDrive for Business (ODfB) and SharePoint Online (SP) are part of the Office 365 family. They have overlapping architecture and features, so if you use both OneDrive and SharePoint at work, it can get a little confusing. That’s where this guide comes in.

Hardening SharePoint/OneDrive from r/msp

Meeting a new client and getting to know them is an important step for any MSP. What are some questions they should be asking you? What should you be asking them?

Client questions from r/msp

Have you ever recommended upgraded cybersecurity to a client who refused? Has that client ever suffered a cyber attack that could have been prevented with those upgraded features you suggested? Thought so. This thread contains some good suggestions for how to navigate these waters.

Customer Cyber-Security refusal policy/form from r/msp

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