Channel Daily News

The Reddit Recap – A crooked accountant; Valuable reference material for MSPs; StorageCraft data loss

The Reddit recap highlights last week’s top trending posts on the r/msp subreddit. This is the largest MSP-related group on Reddit with nearly 40,000 members. Looking to find a quick answer to a question? This is the place to be.

Think I’ve stumbled onto crooked accountant from r/msp

This Reddit user says one of its MSP clients might have a bad apple among its ranks. One person in the client’s finance department submits multiple tickets per day, seemingly at random. The person who posted this to Reddit says the tickets – which have been addressed with new hardware and apps – appear to be used as an excuse to not deliver on their work. At one point, the employee asked for a camera so they could see who was in the office “so they are not startled” after hours. A big question looming over the partner is whether or not to inform the client’s president about the situation. “It’s a serious claim to make without concrete proof,” the post reads.

Tools & Info for MSPs – Infosec Slides, Hacking Podcast, Malware Analysis Service & More from r/msp

Reddit user u/crispyducks continued its tradition of posting new tools and tips for MSPs. On the list this week: An infosec training slideshow that serves as a “skeleton” template to build on; a web-based network management tool from Netdisco; A podcast about bizarre cyber security hacks, and more.

Storagecraft datacenter data loss from r/msp

StorageCraft Cloud Services experienced a failure in one of its U.S. data centres recently. This Reddit user posted an email received from StorageCraft last week, which explained how a single data pool was affected. Four days ago, Connie Whiteside, another user claiming to be a representative from StorageCraft, responded to the thread with these comments:



And shortly after:



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