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Five on-boarding mistakes MSPs can’t afford to make

A lot of MSP marketing goes into getting the lead, and that’s great. We all know that it can be hard to even get the attention of a business, so managing to get them into an on-boarding process is a major part of the battle.

But what do you do next?

Unless you have a solid plan and strategy for on-boarding, it’s very easy to find yourself putting off your prospective client. Here are some of the biggest mistakes MSPs tend to make while on-boarding:

  1. Overpromising

It is too easy to start making promises and guarantees to your prospective clients. We all know how great technology is and that a well-planned IT strategy really can make all the difference to a business, but if you oversell yourself, you’re setting yourself up to trip and fall on your face.

  1. Having no Lead-in

Do you have a specific service, solution, or specialty that is going to start the conversation with your prospect? A lot of MSPs simply go in with a list of services and a promise that they’ll meet the bottom line. That’s not good enough to truly get the attention of a business owner.

  1. Overloading

Yes, you have a LOT to offer a business. That’s a good thing. But don’t try to lay it all out on the table at once, or you’ll find your prospects overwhelmed and losing interest.


  1. Making it About YOU

Ultimately, this is a people industry, not a tech industry. You need to always keep in mind that your clients want to USE the technology you offer to get things done in their daily lives. Make sure you leave room in the onboarding process to let them lead you towards offering them what they’re looking for.

  1. Not Following Up

It’s too easy to say, “The ball’s in their court,” and wait for a prospect to get back to you during the onboarding process. But you’re the one with the service to sell, and you’re the one who knows how great it is. It’s your responsibility to take the bull by the horns and make sure to follow up with them during the process.

Also, it’s important to include one last part of the on-boarding process when all is said and done: ask for feedback or criticism. You’ve got to know what it was that made them stick with you, and you also need to know if there was anything that might have sent them away. Listen to what they have to say, and change your approach for next time.

Ulistic provides marketing services to managed services providers. The Ulistic team acts as part of your team, engaging and working with your MSP each day to assist in providing the foundation for stratospheric success. Learn more at

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