Cisco and the security market

December 17, 2008
Cisco’s security challenges, according to Gartner
Network World
Cisco Subnet provides some insight about Cisco from research and analyst firm, Gartner.

“Gartner notes that Cisco has a significant market share in security, including having the largest market share for firewall appliances, and is viewed as a significant (second highest) enterprise competitive threat by the vendors surveyed by Gartner. Cisco has ‘strong channels, broad geographic support and the availability of other security products, such as the Cisco Security Agent (CSA), its Monitoring, Analysis and Response System (CS-MARS) SIEM; and IPS products (4200 series and IDSM),’ adds Gartner.”

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Rumour: New Mac Mini Coming to Macworld 2009
Brian Chen writes about the latest rumour believed to become a reality during next year’s annual Macworld event.

“Apple will launch an upgrade to its low-end desktop, the Mac Mini, at January’s Macworld Expo in San Francisco, according to an Apple corporate employee who contacted The source, who wished to remain anonymous (to keep his job), could not disclose details about the Mac Mini other than its upcoming announcement at Macworld Expo, which begins Jan. 5. That’s where CEO Steve Jobs traditionally launches major products during his famous keynotes .”

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Chrome currently beating IE8 Beta in market share
ZD Net
Garett Rogers comments on Google Chrome versus Microsoft IE 8.

“It’s very interesting to see that Google has been ahead of Microsoft’s new browser since they were both launched. If we’re talking about how the two are trending while on equal ground, it appears Chrome is accelerating while IE is losing steam. Considering the two are in direct competition to be the ‘next browser,’ it’s looking promising for Google. They have already made themselves the default browser in the Google Pack, and before long, Chrome will be pre-installed on computers.”

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