How to better manage IT costs within a business

November 24, 2008
How will the economic slump affect available IT jobs in Canada?
IT World Canada
Jason W. Eckert comments on the current Canadian economy and what that means for the IT job market.

“I think that worrying about the effects of an economic slump on IT simply adds unnecessary stress to our lives. Periodically observing the overall state of the IT job market in Canada is probably a good idea, combined with the constant skill upgrading and certification that us IT professionals are accustomed to already. If times do become rough in the future, it may then be time to brush up on job search and interview skills.”

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IE8 ship date gets pushed back to 2009
Network World
Microsoft Subnet writes that although Microsoft’s IE8 will ship as a release candidate sometime in the first quarter of 2009, the company can’t wait too long. Here’s why.

“Microsoft really can’t wait that long. Firefox is making amazing strides in terms of market share. To be fair, IE still ‘owns’ this market with 73 per cent share, compared to Firefox with about 19 per cent and all other browsers splitting the remaining eight per cent, according to Net Applications. But since 2004, when IE held 91 per cent of the market, Firefox has been consistently gaining users at the expense of IE.”

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A guide to cutting IT costs
ZD Net
Paul Michaels offers some advice on how businesses can better go about IT outsourcing.

“Analyzing outsourcing costs is even more challenging than planning internal cuts. Businesses often feel they are overpaying their IT service providers but can’t pinpoint how much or why because of the lack of pricing transparency in the contract. Cost creep can occur because of loss-leader cutbacks on renewal, because the client wants customized services or because their legacy infrastructure is highly complex.”

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Maxine Cheung
Maxine Cheung
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