Why Wikipedia is ditching Go Daddy

March 12, 2012

Apple resellers left to pick bones of dwindling iPad stocks On The RegisterPaul Kunert provides a report. “This rather scotches expectations among the firm’s beleaguered reseller base that Apple had wised up after massive shortages on both the first and second versions and would be able to gear up for the third coming,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

Wikipedia ditching Go Daddy due to SOPA On ZDNet, explains. “Go Daddy, the well-known Internet registry, made a business blunder. The company supported the controversal Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Many people noticed, including Jimmy Wales, founder and head of Wikipedia, and were not happy. Wales publicly said he was going to pull Wikipedia’s domains, some of the most popular sites on the Web away from GoDaddy. Whoops,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

IBM study: cloud innovators to double by 2015 On Talkin’ Cloudlooks at the report. ” Businesses are benefiting from the ‘rapid availability of data,’ and the study contends that those who fully adapt to cloud computing in the near future will have a competitive edge in launching new products and services and in gaining new markets,” he writes. What’s your opinion?

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Harmeet Singh
Harmeet Singh
Harmeet reports on channel partner programs, new technologies and products and other issues relevant to Canada's channel community. She also contributes as a video journalist, providing content for the site's original streaming video. Harmeet is a graduate of the Carleton University School of Journalism.

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