Looking to dominate Google? Here’s how to do it

There isn’t a day that goes by without an MSP calling into Ulistic looking for ways to increase their presence on Google. Everyone wants to know the secret sauce to achieve higher results on the Google search rankings.

The great holy grail of the Number One Spot on the results list for IT support or IT services is what everyone thinks will be the key to their success.

Many MSPs end up disappointed after sinking thousands of dollars on link-building strategies that haven’t worked, and their website is still stuck in the abyss of page 5.

Before you pull out all of your hair stressing out about your Google ranking here is one thing you need to know immediately:

No one outside of Google knows the secret to the Google search algorithm.

If someone tells you they’ve cracked the code, it’s time to walk away. They’re either lying to you to drum up business, or they’re deluded. Either way, they won’t solve your problems.

Another key thing you need to remember is that Google can and will change the rules at any time. No one has the golden ticket that will suddenly rocket you up to the top and keep you there forever.

There’s no need to get frustrated because your site is in the basement of the search rankings. Instead of hunting around for an SEO expert who thinks they know the great secret that no one else has found, you should be focusing on simple ways to improve your website so you’ll naturally rise up the ranks.

Here’s how:

  • Don’t look at your rankings every day. You will go crazy. Can you imagine watching the stock market every day? You’d be freaking out when stocks drop and celebrating when stocks rise. The search rankings are the same – don’t sit there and watch your rankings daily. If you do something daily, go to number two.
  • Focus on unique content. Every day you need to put unique content focused on your vertical markets, technology you support, or business concerns in your local market. Eric Taylor from IT Simplified focuses on providing computer services to vet clinics across the US puts out unique content focused on how vets can use technology in their practice each day. Not only has his website skyrocketed in the search rankings in the veterinarian community, he is also a thought leader amongst vets when it comes to IT.
  • Create relationships with the media, industry bloggers and thought leaders. There is nothing better than getting exposure in the media. It’s important for managed service companies to reach out to their local media and become a trusted resource. When the media uses you as their resource, not only do you stand a great chance for your target market to learn more about your business, you also can gain valuable links.
  • Get over your limiting beliefs on social media. Many MSPs often only pay lip service to social media. But your activity on social media not only positions you as a potential industry leader, it also helps your website rank higher on the Google search engines. Build networks of professionals in your vertical and business community. Follow thought leaders and respond to them. Make your unique content easily shareable and encourage your followers to re-blog.

There is no grand secret to ranking higher on the Google search engines. You cannot simply wave a magic wand and be on the first page. You must do the hard work every day. You need to invest in strategies that have long-term positive results. You can never trick Google – you may be number one today, but tomorrow you will be number 1000.


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Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford is an MSP marketing specialist and coaching professional. He is president of Ulistic Inc., a managed services coaching, mentorship, sales and outsourced marketing services firm. For more info call u 716.799.1999 or email [email protected]

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