Follow Friday: Canadian tech charities to follow Twitter

For this week’s CDN #FollowFriday, we are showcasing Canadian technology charities that are helping bring access and opportunity to those in need.

First up is is TechSoup Canada, which brings donated software and technology resources to other Canadian charities, nonprofits and libraries.

TechSoup tweets at: @techsoupcanada


Next is Renewed Computer Technology (RCT), which refurbishes computers and related equipment donated by governments and businesses for distribution across Canada to schools, libraries and not-for-profit learning organizations.

RCT tweets at: @RCTontario


Third is CompuCorps, an Ottawa-based registered Microsoft partner and refurbisher that provides at risk groups including Aboriginal, youth, seniors and those living with disability with technology and internet access and training.

CompuCorps tweets at: @compucorps


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Dave Yin
Dave Yin
Digital Staff Writer at Computer Dealer News, covering Canada's IT channel.

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