After 30 years in business as Logitech, the Switzerland-based computer peripherals manufacturer has given itself a makeover.
No longer will the company, known for its keyboards and mice, go to market as Logitech. The company dropped the “tech” part of its name and will now be known as just Logi.
The company is calling this branding makeover the biggest transformation in its history. The main reason for branding itself as just Logi is that it builds on its heritage, while placing design at its core.
Logi issued a statement saying: “It is crafting a portfolio of products that go beyond PC peripherals, to products that have a place in every aspect of your daily life. This brand reflects the company’s reinvention, with a colourful new attitude and a re-imagined logo. You’ll even see a new label for our latest product categories: Logi.”

Since 2013, Logitech has been working on this branding makeover and included a change to the company’s culture and the development of new products.
The makeover is not yet done and the company expects to introduce new colours and simpler designs on, its social media sites, packaging and in-store displays.
Bracken Darrell, Logitech president and CEO, said reinventing Logitech creating products that strive to blend advanced technology and design.
“We’ve built a world-class design team, led by chief designer Alastair Curtis. We’re putting design at the centre of everything we do. Our approach to design goes beyond the classic definition. Design to us is the combination of advanced technology, business strategy and consumer insights. Our products have come a long way, and now it’s time to bring the brand forward too,” he said.
Logitech has lost some market share as a result to the widespread appeal of tablet devices, but the company has entered into new directions recently.
For example, in 2010 it partnered with Google to create an Internet-based TV called Google TV. It followed that up with mobile visual communications technology and the introduction of an iPhone gaming controller.
Logi also owns the LifeSize brand for video conferencing products.
Last year Logi released a video conference camera called the Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e. That product was supported by the launch of ConferenceCam Connect for smaller boardrooms.