The Reddit recap highlights last week’s top trending posts on the r/msp subreddit. This is the largest MSP-related group on Reddit with more than 40,000 members. Looking for a quick answer or some valuable input? This is the place to be.
The story of a threat actor hitting multiple Texas local governments with ransomware garnered a lot of attention from the subreddit last week. While the story itself is not uncommon, the details around the compromised managed service provider that ultimately led to the attacker demanding $2.5 million from the municipality is raising a lot of eyebrows. The ransomware was deployed through software from the MSP used by the administration for technical support.
Questions around that MSPs own security and compliance came into question, and many agreed that small municipalities rarely fork over the cash necessary to protect their data properly.
“Security costs money. Some MSPs offer cut rate pricing while promising service. The numbers don’t add up to be able to provide secured services, then places get blasted,” one Redditor commented. “Even still, it will be surprising to see government agencies actually step up and spend more on security.”
Some one else wrote “Local governments are atrocious. They hate to spend a penny on IT. They’d prefer to just keep using their XP machine because it costs money to upgrade, and that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
The names of all the municipalities impacted by the attack remain undisclosed. Two of them, however, recently announced the hit publicly.
MSP to be blamed for Ransomware Attack in Texas that Brought down 23 cities from r/msp
A short video with answers to some of the most common rebuttals from small businesses that refuse to upgrade their cybersecurity is getting a bunch of feedback.
While many appreciated the overall attempt and the quality of the video, many criticized the lack of statistics backing up each point. But it’s safe to say we could always use more of these efforts.
I attempted to provide in 1-minute, answers to some of the common push-backs against adopting cyber security from r/msp
Getting a high ranking in search engines might not be the first thing that comes to mind as an MSP, but it’s important if you want your brand to pick up traffic online.
Of course this is easier said than done, and someone has listed some decent tips and tricks for boosting your SEO.