D&H Canada launches mobile-optimized site with order functionality

Have you ever found the need to access a distributor’s website while out and about only to find that it lacked mobile functionality?

D&H is trying to put those fears to rest for its own resellers with the launch of a mobile-optimized version of its website, dandh.ca.

D&H Mobile site

The new site offers a new interface for finding products, determining real-time availability, placing orders, and tracking orders and invoices, which, according to D&H, have been the most in-demand features based on web analytics and user feedback.

In addition to those features, customers can also search by manufacturers, use a “green” product refinement option, as well as access a shopping cart that syncs between mobile and desktop versions.

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According to the company, it went with a website as opposed to a smartphone app to accommodate users that may not be on iOS or Android.  The optimized page site, developed in-house, is able to maintain the same level of functionality as an app would, it added.

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