D&H Canada introduces Cisco PRO program

D&H Canada announced it has implemented a new channel enablement program to reward and support the solution providers who are able to increase Cisco solution sales.

Called Cisco PRO (Partner Revenue Opportunities), the two-tiered program is for D&H Canada’s Cisco Registered and Cisco Select partners.

Elements of the program vary according to whether resellers are Registered or Select members:

Both levels include advantages from D&H including:

  • Cisco-related Partner Services marketing templates and materials;
  • Incentives Rewards for all Cisco sales;
  • Priority registration for D&H City Workshops and select Boot Camp training venues; and
  • Customized, hands-on business planning consultation including inventory analysis and access to purchasing trend info.

Greg Tobin, general manager at D&H Canada, said D&H has a long history of coordinating with vendor partners, developing exclusive programs that create advantages that make resellers more competitive.

“These services and tools often cater to D&H’s specific customer base, the independent reseller. These resellers typically gain the most value from hands-on support from a versatile distribution partner.  The Cisco PRO partner enablement program is a good example of how D&H shows gratitude to its VARs, delivering benefit and supporting their efforts to focus on, market, and consequently grow revenues through these powerful Cisco solutions,” Tobin said.

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