HomeChannel Strategy

Channel Strategy

Northern appliance

Canada's BorderWare releases latest unit into competitive security marketrn

Drowning in troubles

The travelling staff were sinking in connection problems until they dried out their ISPrn

California dreaming

Tenrox president heads south to open new opportunities for companyrn

AMD’s first channel plan

Chipmaker creates a broadbased program with specific partner benefits in Canada and the U.S.rn

Not all VARs captured by EMC deals

EMC hopes to push bundled solutions from its new acquisitions as resellers wait for detailsrn

Microsoft sees green for holiday season

Resellers will have a merry Christmas this year, predicts the head of Microsoft Canada's home and entertaiment division as he unveiled a line-up of...

Adobe suite will click: Softchoice

As an incentive, the version control application is only available in the upcoming CS suitern

Romancing the VARs

Channel marketing programs have entered a new level where performance along with customer satisfaction will be measuredrn

Psion device switches to WinCE Netbook upgrade

Resellers are intrigued by Psion Teklogix Inc.'s $2,000 Netbook Pro mini-laptop, an improved version of its Netbook computer, which will start shipping at the...

Diamonds may be a system builder’s best friend

University of Saskatchewan making diamond chipsrn

Plan for the worst: SMBs

Resellers can respond to a company's particular needs and offer tailor-made solutions.rn

LCD’s out of its shell

LCDs have come a long way from their first incarnations in early laptop computers. IDC predicts LCD monitors for desktop computers will surpass traditional CRT display in revenue this year.rn

Building a Western powerhouse

After several mergers, Acrodex is preparing to take on Ontariorn

Virus fighter

Canadian monitors more than 98 million malicious attacks a week as Symantec's top security response professionalrn

Mid-Size Enterprise Resource Management Applications

Vendors are rushing to get into this market, but industry analysts say they're not ready yetrn

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