Intronis appoints two new vice presidents

Backup and disaster recovery solutions provider Intronis has two new vice presidents to call its own.

The Chelmsford, Massachusetts-based company has appointed Chris Crellin as VP of product management and Scott Graham as VP of IT and operations.

Crellin has had prior experience with this type of technology.  His previous two positions were at Datto, Inc. and its acquired company Backupify, two other backup and recovery solutions providers, where he served as senior product manager.  At Datto, he was responsible for its cloud-to-cloud backup portfolio.

He will be leading product strategy and management at Intronis, the company said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Graham’s background is in software development for the financial services sector, at organizations including First Marblehead Bank. He also worked at Avid Technology.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Scott and Chris to the Intronis team and leverage their expertise to expand and enhance our roadmap, execute against our growth strategy, and deliver an exceptional partner experience,” said Rick Faulk, CEO of Intronis in the statement.

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