Sales and Marketing in the age of COVID-19

COVID-19 is changing the way people work. It is changing where they are working from and it is changing what they are interested in.

For some, it might seem an inappropriate time to discuss brand and customer behaviour, but the reality remains, business has to carry on. In the next installment of Closing the Sales Gap , ITWC CMO Fawn Annan and sales leader Tibor Shanto discuss the challenges that lie ahead, both in the immediate future and long-term.

The conversation on April 14 will include fear marketing, the impact of social isolation on colleagues and customers resulting from home-based work, virtual options for getting in front of your client, and much more. If you have questions, you would like to see addressed, email Fawn and Tibor at [email protected]


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Steve Proctor
Steve Proctor
Steve is Vice-President Marketing and Communication with ITWC. He spent 25 years in progressively senior positions as a journalist and editor with the Halifax Herald, with his final ten years as Business Editor. He has published two books and his freelance articles have appeared in national and regional magazines. He has led social media and communication efforts for two crowdfunding ventures and written and directed numerous dinner theatres for charitable endeavours.

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